ip law firm

IP Attorney firm offering best services since 2002


Mr. Sajeevkumar S. Nair – Secretary General

aBout us

Welcome To The Gnanlex Law Firm

GNANLEX® is a premier intellectual property consultancy and legal advisory firm providing high-quality legal and technical solutions for companies & academic institutions in the biotechnology, biomedical, chemical, health care, pharmaceutical, engineering, and other knowledge-based industries. Founded by Dr. Gopakumar G. Nair, our firm provides support to a wide range of companies for filing various IP applications such as patents, trademarks, designs, and copyright, domestically and internationally, as well as help start-up companies using technology licenses from universities and other research centers. We also help our clients to identify and seize opportunities as well as diffuse threats to their intellectual prosperity. 

Our mission

We’re Recognized In All IP Legal Services

The blossoming future of Intellectual Property will be dynamic and even more challenging, especially for those valuing intellectual assets and competing in the global marketplace. We are committed to applying our consulting and analytical intelligence in providing solutions to our client’s challenging needs, problems and issues.

Patent and Trademark Attorneys

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Why Choose Us

We Solve Complex Legal Issues

GNANLEX® is a two decades old Intellectual Property firm. We have unrivaled ability and experience over other firms especially since we are at the right place at the right time and have grown amidst the fast-changing IP/Patent scenario in India post-WTO/TRIPS.

IPR Consultants and Advisors


Meeting the needs of our clients since 2002.



Our firm is one of the Most Successful Law firms of the millennium

Patent Grant
Happy Clients
TM Grants
Pre & Post Grant oppositions


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Our Team